Get HELP with answering IRS correspondence letters and Notices.
We can also HELP Answer some of the States' tax inquiry letters too.
(TC) Motion To Take Judicial Notice of Law in Brushaber v. Union Pacific R. Co.
(TC) Motion To Take Judicial Notice of Law in Flint v. Stone Tracy Co.
(TC) Motion to Take Judicial Notice of Law in Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co.
(TC) Motion To Take Judicial Notice of Law in the Federal Statutes of Title 26
3 digit IRS CP letters (CP-515) are only for use with a business

Give Yourself A Raise
- Defend claiming "Exempt" on your W-4

Request For the Notice of Deficiency

Response to IRS Letter CP 15 - $500 Civil Penalty Letter

Response to IRS Letter CP-72

Response to IRS Notice of Intent To Levy

Response to IRS Notice of Lien

Response to Quash IRS Summons of 3rd Party Record-keeper (bank, broker, etc.)

Assessment Stage
Collection Due Process Hearing Request Letters Menu
Collection Stage
Documents to use in Tax Court & for making an Offer In Compromise
Employers & Withholding

Examination Stage
IRS Personal Summons Responses
Motions, Briefs, & Pleadings for use in Federal district court.
New Response Letters
For Any Letter Not Listed

Privacy Act Information Requests Menu
Quick List
State Tax Responses
TDI Stage
A Complete Explanation of the True Income Tax
Abatement request made - no IRS response - follow-up
Abatement request made - off-point IRS response - follow-up 1
Abatement request made - no IRS response - follow-up - need source information
Abatement request made - off-point IRS response -follow-up 4
Abatement request made -off-point IRS response - follow-up 5
Abatement request made -off-point IRS response - follow-up 7
Abatement request made -off-point IRS response -follow-up (tax-court)
Abatement request made -off-point IRS response -follow-up 2
Abatement request made -off-point IRS response -follow-up 3
Abatement request made -off-point IRS response -follow-up 6
Abatement request made- off-point IRS response -follow-up 8
Affidavit of Revocation & Rescission of SSN
Alabama Department of Revenue Responses
American Tax Bible
Appeal denied by mischaracterizing arguments as involving a “failure or refusal to comply with the tax laws because of moral, religious, political, constitutional,...
Appeal To IRS Commissioner For Relief From Levy Which is Causing Economic Hardship
Arizona Department of Revenue Responses
Authorization Letter for Your Congressman to Get Your IRS Info To Help You
Bill of Particulars for Tax Court
By what authority do you deny me my right to a fair and impartial hearing before an Appeals officer?
California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) Responses
CDP hearing request - filer - disallowed due to no SSNs for children
CDP hearing request made (because of levy) - no IRS response - follow-up
CDP hearing request made (because of lien) - no IRS response - follow-ups
CDP hearing request made previously - IRS denial is off-point - follow-up presses the law.
Collection Due Process (CDP) hearing request for levy action
Collection Due Process (CDP) hearing request for lien & levy
Collection Due Process (CDP) hearing request for lien threat
Collection Due Process Hearing - 2nd Request in Response to Non-responsive Reply
Collection Due Process Hearing Agenda & Issues
Collection Due Process Hearing DEMAND for Lien For ONLY Penalty Amounts
Colorado Department of Revenue Responses
Complaint For Mandamus to Provide Required CDP Hearing
Conclusive Memorandum At Law on Federal Income Taxation
Congress, not the IRS, writes the tax laws ...
CP-504 response done - no IRS response - follow-up – abatement petition done
CP-504 response done – no IRS response - follow-up – no abatement petition done
CP-504 response done – response to off point IRS response - follow-up 2
CP-504 response done – response to off point IRS response, - follow-up 1
Demand for a Release of Federal Tax Lien Under Section 6325
Demand for the Withdrawal of a Notice of Federal Tax Lien Under Section 6323
Do the CDP Hearing BY MAIL - (Levy)
Exhibit Binder of all 71 Exhibit pages
(& for the IRS Memorandum at Law)

Exhibits for the State Letters (all States Listed Below)
Federal district court - Petition to Quash TO FILE IN COURT
Final Appeal to Exhaust Administrative Remedy before filing suit over a disallowed "Exempt" claim without legal cause.
Followup letter after Collection Due Process (CDP) hearing is requested, but not given
Georgia Department of Revenue Responses
Get a Release of Lien Certificate from the IRS for EXPIRED Liens
How To Handle A Court Ordered Appearance at an IRS Meeting
Idaho State Tax Commission Responses
If request for an Appeal is denied, follow-up
Illinois Department of Revenue Responses
Initial Legal Brief to the U.S. Tax Court
Iowa Department of Revenue Responses
IRS is not required to respond to interrogatories or to engage in doctrinal discussions
IRS strives to collect the proper amount ... at the least cost ...
IRS “determination of deficiency” and “proposed assessment” itself is inappropriate and without authority
It's IRS policy not to respond to a letter of the type sent
Legal Brief On Summons & Powell
Legal Brief On the Limits of Federal Jurisdiction
Legal Petition to Quash IRS Summons (usually a Form 2039)
Legal Response to an Employer's Refusal of an "Exempt" Claim
Legal Response to BOTH the IRS & the SSA, Controlling IRS Levys on Social Security Benefits
Legal Statement to an Employer Regarding a Federal Levy
Letter Attacking Unlawful Possession and Use of Your Federal Tax Records by the State
Letter of Instruction to Summoned Record Holders On Petition to Quash
Louisiana Department of Revenue Responses
Maine Revenue Service Responses
MAKE AN OFFER IN COMPROMISE (Do-it-yourself Forms & How To)
Make Contribution(s) To Our Work
Memorandum At Law to the U.S. Tax Court
Michigan (MARCS) Responses
Montana Department of Revenue Responses
Motion (to the Magistrate) To Dismiss Summons Action For Lack of Jurisdiction
Motion To Deny Enforcement of Personal Summons for 5th Amendment Issues
Motion to Determine the subject-matter jurisdiction of the Court
Motion To Dismiss For Lack Of Legal Service
Motion To Join Civil Action
Motion to Take Judicial Notice of Law in Brushaber v. Union Pacific R. Co.
Motion To Take Judicial Notice of Law in Flint v. Stone Tracy Co.
Motion to Take Judicial Notice of Law in Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co.
Motion To Take Judicial Notice of Law in the Federal Statutes of Title 26
Motion To Take Judicial Notice of the Statutory Authority of the Magistrate
Nebraska Department of Revenue Responses
New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department
New York Department of Taxation and Finance Responses
No response to written protest – follow-up
No response to written protest - follow-up - need source info.
North Carolina Department of Revenue Responses
Notice of Deficiency request made - no IRS response - follow-up
Notice of Deficiency request made - off-point IRS response or denial - follow-up
Notice of Violation of 10 Year Limitation on Collections
Notice of Violation of 3 Year Limitation on Assessments
Objection & Motion To Recover Property Unlawfully Seized
Objection (to the Magistrate's report) & Motion To Dismiss
Objection and Memorandum on the Mis-application of the Powell Case
Objection To Magistrate's Report & Motion To Dismiss
Ohio Department of Taxation Responses
Oregon Department of Revenue Responses
Personalized Document Service or
1/2 Hour of Time for Work

Petition the United StatesTax Court
Privacy Act request for a complete IMF transcript (IMF = Individual Master File)
Privacy Act request for AIMS transcripts & other audit documents
Privacy Act request for an IMF specific transcript
Privacy Act Request for Assessment Documents (RACS-6 & under 6203)
Privacy Act request for authenticated documents supporting CP-504 issuance (Notice of Intent to Levy)
Privacy Act request for documents by DLNs (document locator numbers)
Privacy Act request for Examination Administrative file (IRS hard copy)
Privacy Act request for Notice & Demand for tax
Privacy Act request for sources of income documents
Privacy Act request for Substitute for Returns (SFRs)
Privacy Act Request for the Agent's Supervisor's Written Approval of a Penalty Amount
Privacy Act Request for the Required Postal Form 3877 Copy
Protesting Notice of Deficiency to be issued without review or response. What happened to the promise you made at my Appeals meeting that you would address, in a follow-up letter, the issues I presented at the meeting?
Refutes cite of Regulation Section 601.106(b), ... citing moral, religious, political, constitutional, conscientious, or similar objection
Reply to SC Notice of Tax Collection
Reponse to Reassignment for Final Action Letter
Request for authority to create SFRs (Substitute For Returns)
Request For Production of Documents
Request to Georgia Department of Revenue for Appeals Hearing (for filer)
Request to Georgia Department of Revenue for Appeals Hearing (non-filer)
Response to "Frivolous" Denial to Request for CDP Hearing
Response to "Frivolous" Denial to Request for CDP Hearing (Before 2000)
Response to a Notice of Deficiency and Petition for abatement for a non-filer, no wages, no sources listed, protest made
Response to a Notice of Deficiency and Petition for abatement for a non-filer, no wages, sources listed, no protest made
Response to a Notice of Deficiency and Petition for abatement for a non-filer, no wages, sources listed, no protest made
Response to a Notice of Deficiency and Petition for abatement for a non-filer, no wages, sources listed, protest made
Response to a Notice of Deficiency and Petition for abatement , for a non-filer with wages, no sources listed, no protest made
Response to a Notice of Deficiency and Petition for abatement , for a non-filer with wages, no sources listed, protest made
Response to a Notice of Deficiency and Petition for abatement , for a non-filer with wages, sources listed, no protest made
Response to a Notice of Deficiency and Petition for abatement , for Filer, no-wages, protest done
Response to a Notice of Deficiency and Petition for abatement of erroneous action FOR FILERS with wages
Response to a Notice of Deficiency and Petition for abatement of erroneous action FOR NON-FILERS
Response to a Notice of Deficiency and Petition for abatement, for a Filer, with wages, no protest done
Response to a Notice of Deficiency and Petition for abatement, for Filer, with wages, protest done
Response to a Notice of Deficiency and Petition for abatement, for non-filer with wages, sources listed, protest made
Response to a Prematurely Issued Assignment to Referee
Response to a Virginia Department of Revenue Demand to File a Return
Response to Agent 's Claim You Cannot Quash the Summons
Response to Alabama Preliminary Assessment
Response to Alabama Preliminary Assessment
Response to an IRS Letter stating: “…a Meeting has been scheduled for you…” (to prepare return)
Response to Arizona Notice of Enforced Action
Response to Arizona Notice of Treasury Offset
Response to Attorney's Letter Saying You Cannot Quash the Summons
Response to California Earnings Withholding Order For Taxes
Response to California FTB "BASIS OF ASSESSMENT" Letter
Response to California FTB "DEMAND FOR TAX RETURN" Letter
Response to California FTB "FINAL NOTICE" Letter
Response to California FTB "Notice of Tax Due"
Response to California FTB "PROPOSED ASSESSMENT"
Response to California FTB Letter 4627 (On The Taxing Authority)
Response to California Intent to Record Lien
Response to California State Tax Lien
Response to CDP "Determination" Letter Claiming You Missed the Hearing Phone Call
Response to CIVPEN Demand To File Form 1040's Before the CDP Hearing
Response to Colorado Department of Revenue "Notice of Deficiency"
Response to Final Demand For Payment
Response to Final Notice of Intent to Levy
Response to first California Notice of Tax Due
Response to Georgia Department of Revenue Fi.Fa. Action
Response to I.R.S. Contact (Summons) of Your Record Keepers Without Notice to You
Response to Idaho State Tax Commission Demand for Tax
Response to Iowa INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX Letter Demanding Payment
Response to IRS "Lock-In" Letter Demanding the Records Justifying the Withholding "Determination"
Response to IRS Denial of CDP Hearing Request (lien)
Response to IRS Letter CP-518
Response to IRS Letter (no id nomenclature) Asking for More Information for Processing
Response to IRS Letter 1058 (Notice of Levy, for filers)
Response to IRS Letter 1058 (Notice of Levy, for non-filers)
Response to IRS Letter 1058 issued only for a $5,000 Civil Penalty
Response to IRS Letter 1714
Response to IRS Letter 1714
Response to IRS Letter 1862 Appeal for nonfiler – need source info - no TDI Letters
Response to IRS Letter 1862 Appeal for nonfiler – need source info (wages)
Response to IRS Letter 1862. Appeal for nonfiler – need source info (wages) - no TDI Letters
Response to IRS Letter 1912 (& 4549)
Response to IRS Letter 2050
Response to IRS Letter 2050 for FRIVOLOUS Filing Penalties
Response to IRS Letter 2205-A
Response to IRS Letter 2257C (for a non-filer)
Response to IRS Letter 2269C
Response to IRS Letter 2269C (alleging non-employee compensation)
Response to IRS Letter 2269C (alleging wages)
Response to IRS Letter 2417C
Response to IRS Letter 2565 (SC/CG) (wages & Self employment alleged)
Response to IRS Letter 2565 (SC/CG) (wages & Self employment alleged)
Response to IRS Letter 2565 (SC/CG) (wages)
Response to IRS Letter 2565 (SC/CG) (wages)
Response to IRS Letter 2566
Response to IRS Letter 2566 (alleging wages)
Response to IRS Letter 2566 SC/CG
Response to IRS Letter 2777(DO) (no return filed)
Response to IRS Letter 2777(DO) (tax return was filed)
Response to IRS Letter 2797
Response to IRS Letter 2797 – no SSN revocation done
Response to IRS Letter 2797 – SSN revocation done
Response to IRS Letter 2800C W2
Response to IRS Letter 2801
Response to IRS Letter 2801C
Response to IRS Letter 2802C
Response to IRS Letter 2810
Response to IRS Letter 2810C
Response to IRS Letter 3042C
Response to IRS Letter 304C
Response to IRS Letter 3064C
Response to IRS Letter 3164 (SC)
Response to IRS Letter 3164 B (DO)
Response to IRS Letter 3172 or 3172(DO)
Response to IRS Letter 3174(cg)
Response to IRS Letter 3174(P)
Response to IRS Letter 3175
Response to IRS Letter 3175C
Response to IRS Letter 3176
Response to IRS Letter 3176C
Response to IRS Letter 3219 (SC/CG) - Notice of Deficiency
Response to IRS Letter 3219 SCCG (for a FiIer)
Response to IRS Letter 3228 - Reminder Notice (penalty)
Response to IRS Letter 3253
Response to IRS Letter 3390(DO)
Response to IRS Letter 3391
Response to IRS Letter 3552
Response to IRS Letter 3652
Response to IRS Letter 3795
Response to IRS Letter 4115-C on tax refund delay
Response to IRS Letter 4141
Response to IRS Letter 4549 - For a Filer
Response to IRS Letter 4549 or 4549-A "Income Tax Examination Changes"
Response to IRS Letter 4564
Response to IRS Letter 4903
Response to IRS Letter 525 and Form 4549 (for a filer)
Response to IRS Letter 531-T - Notice of Deficiency
Response to IRS Letter 555-T
Response to IRS Letter 566 (cg)
Response to IRS Letter 566(cg) (for a non-filer)
Response to IRS Letter 668(Y)(C) - Notice of Lien (Form 668)
Response to IRS Letter 692 (SC/CG)
Response to IRS Letter 725 (DO)
Response to IRS Letter 8519
Response to IRS letter 8519 Issued Only for Civil Penalty Amounts
Response to IRS Letter 8857
Response to IRS Letter 894(cg)-c
Response to IRS Letter 950 (for a filer)
Response to IRS Letter 950 Appeal for nonfiler
Response to IRS Letter 950 Appeal for nonfiler (wages)
Response to IRS Letter CE22 –1862 Appeal letter for a filer to adjustment
Response to IRS Letter CP 15 - $5000 Frivolous Filing Penalty
Response to IRS Letter CP 21B Asking for More Information
Response to IRS Letter CP 21B Denying Liability for Tax
Response to IRS Letter CP 21E for a filer
Response to IRS Letter CP 22A Asking for More Information
Response to IRS Letter CP 22A Denying Liability For Tax
Response to IRS Letter CP 515 (alternate response)
Response to IRS LEtter CP-14
Response to IRS Letter CP-160
Response to IRS Letter CP-161
Response to IRS Letter CP-2000
Response to IRS Letter CP-21A - $5,000 Civil Penalty for Frivolous Filing
Response to IRS Letter CP-22A (for a filer)
Response to IRS Letter CP-22E
Response to IRS Letter CP-22E (for a non-filer)
Response to IRS Letter CP-49
Response to IRS Letter CP-501
Response to IRS Letter CP-502
Response to IRS Letter CP-503
Response to IRS Letter CP-504, Notice of Intent to Levy
Response to IRS Letter CP-515
Response to IRS Letter CP-515
Response to IRS Letter CP-516
Response to IRS Letter CP-517
Response to IRS Letter CP-518
Response to IRS Letter CP-521
Response to IRS Letter CP-523
Response to IRS Letter CP-531
Response to IRS Letter CP-538
Response to IRS Letter CP-539
Response to IRS Letter CP-540
Response to IRS Letter CP-543
Response to IRS Letter CP-59
Response to IRS Letter CP-71C
Response to IRS Letter CP-80
Response to IRS Letter CP-90
Response to IRS Letter CP-91 (Levy On Social Security Benefit)
Response to IRS Letter CP21E for a non-filer
Response to IRS Letter LT-38
Response to IRS Letter Requesting Books & Records (Summons)
Response to IRS Letter stating “We Changed Your Account (no income sources listed)
Response To IRS Levy For Your Company (for the corporate employer, bank, etc.)
Response to IRS Notice of Assignment of Case to Field Collection
Response to IRS Notice of Deficiency
Response to IRS Notice of Levy
Response to IRS Notice of Levy - Documenting Levy Statutes (Old version of response)
Response to IRS Personal Summons Form 6638
Response to Louisiana Notice of Assessment
Response to Maine Request For Filing
Response to Maine's 2nd Request For Filing
Response to Nebraska Notice of Levy
Response to New York State Demand for Tax Return
Response to Notice of Collection Fee Letter
Response to Notice of Levy Form 668-W
Response to Ohio Department of Taxation NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT
Response to Request For Return
Response to Summons Form 2039
Response to Virginia Department of Revenue "Notice of Assessment"
Response to Wisconsin Demand for Tax
SC Notice of State Tax Lien
Sent after no IRS response to either the CP-518 and/or CP-515 replies.
South Carolina Department of Revenue Responses
Statute of Limitations (10 years) Exceeded By Collection Attempt
Stop Witholding Agents and Cease Using an SSN on 1099 Reports
Tax Court Cross-Examination Questions & Dialogue
Tax Debts Were Discharged in Bankruptcy - NOW UNCOLLECTABLE
TDI Follow-ups
The CDP Hearing Dialogue - The Questions To Extract the Truth
The Simple Truth About Income Tax
The Simple Truth About Income Tax - referred by Gotham Books
The Statutory Authority of the IRS to Levy Property (for the IRS)
Unlimited Use of the document library
Utah State Tax Commission Responses
Virginia Department of Revenue Responses
Was Your LIEN or Notice of Lien signed by "R.A. Mitchell" ?
We are writing to notify you that you are subject to Federal income tax laws
We do not respond to letters on a point by point basis
Wisconsin Department of Revenue Responses
“determination of deficiency” and “proposed assessment” itself is inappropriate and without authority (longer version)

FINAL NOTE: When you buy a document you will be immediately provided with a link to download your purchased product.
Please LOOK FOR IT !

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: These documents are protected under copyright law, they are not to be distributed in any form, digital or otherwise, to other persons. As a purchaser you are authorized to show the documents to any person, and to use your purchase repeatedly as necessary with the IRS, but you are not authorized to sell or distribute the document to other people. People who want a copy of what you have shown them (and they all will), should please be referred to the website. PLEASE HONOR THIS REQUEST. - After all, it's not like we're charging "an arm and a leg" for this amazing knowledge. Thank you.

This document library is the result of a multi-year effort to very carefully research the tax laws in order to be able to provide to any American citizen or resident the proper documents necessary to answer IRS Notices and Letters while preserving their rights under the law:

1. to their own property,
2. to have the due process requirements of the law met by the IRS, and
3. to preserve at all times their appeal rights in all dealings with the IRS.

The statutes that these letters are based on have all been very carefully researched. These letters are designed to invoke the provisions that are provided by the statutes in order to protect your property and rights to property, and so that you may assert your rights to due process in all dealings with the government and its agents, and to at all times preserve, and exercise where appropriate, all of your appeal rights provided for under the law.

You should carefully edit these Microsoft word documents yourself to finalize them, adding your personal information (name, address, tax-id, etc.) and specific letter information (tax period, letter date, etc.) where indicated in the documents, together with the personal information of the IRS employee who sent you the letter. Then send your finished response to the I.R.S. by U.S.P.S. certified mail (a signature return on a U.S.P.S. green card is not necessary). Do not add any language or make any changes regarding the laws presented, or you may affect our ability to help you. If it is absolutely necessary, you may delete a line in the letter if it is not applicable to your specific situation, but DO NOT ADD ANY STATEMENTS OR ARGUMENTS to the reply letters.

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Info: (703) 899-7369 Fax: (202) 280-1301

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this site is not legal advice, but general information on legal issues commonly encountered. The and its IRS Response Document Service is not a law firm and is not a substitute for an attorney or law firm. cannot provide legal advice and can only provide self-help services at your specific direction. Please note that your access to and use of is subject to our Privacy Policy and terms and conditionsClick here for full legal Disclaimer